The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Lyrics & Charts

The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Song Credits:
James Ferguson,
Jaywan Maxwell & Ian Lewis
CCLI: 7244946
Verse 1
I will fix my eyes on Christ
The one and only way
I will follow in His steps
He leads me day by day
Verse 2
I won’t trust in empty words
That wash away like sand
I have heard the Gospel truth
And on that rock I stand
I will follow the Son
He goes before me
Through death into glory
Preparing the way
‘Til the day He returns
I walk with assurance
For I know the Way, and the Truth, and the Life
Verse 3
Now death has no claim on me
My king rose from the grave
As He rose so I will rise
The Life has called my name
I will run the race with hope and faith
No turning back He leads the way
On that final day with thanks and praise
I will run through Heaven’s gates