We are a music ministry from St Paul’s church in Sydney, Australia. Our vision is to write songs with biblically rich lyrics and simple melodies for Christian church to sing.
We pray that the lyrics and melodies of these songs would fix eyes, hearts, and minds on Jesus. We pray that our songs might join the many thousands of songs written through history to encourage the church, and when they have played their role, to make way for the next ones. And we rejoice that one day the only name left standing will be the name of Jesus, as it should be.

We Believe
CityAlight is a ministry of St Paul’s Castle Hill, part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
We believe in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth; Jesus Christ the Son of God; and the Holy Spirit. | Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:19
We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried and, in body, rose again on the third day. | I Corinthians 15:1-4
We believe that God loved the world so much that he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to save us from our sins so that if we believe in him we may have eternal life with him. | John 3:16
We believe the only way to have an eternal relationship with God is through Jesus. Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me.” | John 14:6
We believe that the Bible (the Old and New Testament) is the ultimate rule and standard of faith given by the inspiration of God and containing all things necessary for salvation.
Asked Questions
CCLI offer a number of licenses to suit your Church or school’s need. For more information and to apply for a license, visit CCLI’s website:
Sheet Music & Lyrics
Our vision is to write songs with biblically rich lyrics and simple melodies for the Christian church to sing, which is why we’ve made our lyrics and music charts accessible to everyone for free. Head to our resources page to download our discography.
Live streaming a band or musician singing CityAlight music
Creating an arrangement, cover or translation
If you are creating your own arrangement or translation of the song, please contact licensing@integritymusic.com and they will liaise with you further. This does not include where you would like to transpose, repeat choruses or bridges or change what instruments are used.
In your email to licensing@integritymusic.com:
If an arrangement, please include any relevant music and notation.
If a translation, please include the original English lyrics, translated lyrics and lyrics re-translated into English so that we can ensure that the original meaning of the lyrics is retained.
Live streaming our YouTube videos or Master Recordings
Could you please:
- Report the song correctly, using the CCLI streaming plus license
- Display the CCLI number and copyright information for each song on your livestream or in the description of your video
- Refrain from monetising your livestream or pre-recording
- Refrain from disputing any copyright claims that YouTube or Facebook may flag.*
Our YouTube videos are available HERE for free download.
Use of our Master Recordings (audio) is permitted in your Sunday livestreams if you have a CCLI Streaming Plus license (please see CCLI.com for more info). Our recordings can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Google Play, and other streaming platforms.
*Please note that streaming services such as YouTube and Facebook may automatically flag, mute, or remove your video if it is detected that content which you do not own has been included in your livestream. We cannot prevent this from happening. By following the processes on this page, you have done all that is needed to obtain permission to use these videos on your livestream.
Using our videos in your in-person church services
We are happy to grant permission for your Church to use our CityAlight videos and masters in your in-person Church services (not live-streamed or recorded). We just ask that you report the use of the song using your CCLI Church Reporting License. Please note that this license doesn’t usually cover the use of masters in live settings, so if you’re interested in using other artist’s masters, please contact them to see which way to do so.
Our videos can be found HERE for free download.
Is CityAlight part of a church?
Yes! CityAlight is a ministry of St Paul’s Castle Hill, part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.